tradeUP by Jackalo is live on our platform
It is with great pleasure that we announce that tradeUP by Jackalo is now live on our circularity platform! Jackalo is America’s first circular children’s clothing brand.
Marianna Sachse founded Jackalo in order to bring back old-fashioned quality to kids' clothing and to do so sustainably. Jackalo has taken many steps to minimize its ecological footprint and preserve the planet's natural resources, including using organic cotton and deadstock fabrics in its designs, recycling and upcycling scrap fabric, and offering its trade-in program.
When Jackalo clothes are outgrown, the company will buy them back to be cleaned, repaired, and resold at a discount through its website. Anything that can’t be repaired is upcycled or recycled. It’s the company’s hope to one day use the recycled fabrics in its products.
However, as the program grew, so did the burden on Jackalo’s team. Much of the program was managed manually, including sending customers shipping labels and issuing gift cards. The trade-in program had outgrown the old way of doing things. Marianna decided to partner with us to help her program scale more efficiently.
We needed a system to efficiently manage the tradeUP process, that would be flexible enough to grow with us. I was thrilled to find Sagi and The Again Co as they perfectly meet our needs and understand the vision. - Mariana Sachse
We started by setting up a branded trade-in portal so Jackalo’s customers could submit their trade-ins more easily. Thanks to our Shopify app, a single click is all it takes for customers to trade-in items directly from their purchase histories. Once the trade-in is submitted, the customer receives a pre-paid shipping label to ship the items to Jackalo. As a result, Jackalo’s customers enjoy a smoother submission process that is completely self-service.
We then turned our attention to helping Jackalo’s team process the submissions more efficiently. Our circularity platform consolidates all of the submissions into a single queue that allows Jackalo’s team to see the status of every submission in real time, including tracking deliveries. When a trade-in is delivered, it is quickly reviewed by the team, and a gift card is instantly issued to the customer. As a result, the review process can be completed in a minute, and Jackalo’s trade-in program can now scale efficiently.
We’ve had a blast working with Marianna on this project. We’re grateful for her partnership, and look forward to helping tradeUP grow into the largest children’s clothing trade-in program in America!